Speccy ClassiX 1998
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************************ BBBBS REVISION HISTORY ************************
- NOTE: As of version 8.0 -
When BBBBS.baud or bbsLOCAL.rexx is run for the first time, a macro
called bbsUPDATE.rexx will be automatically executed (if required)
to renumber files from 1-101 before using BBBBS 8.?. This is because
files 1-99 are reserved for alphabetical file lists for each library,
and files 100 & 101 may be archives of the complete filelist, one by
library (#100) and one strictly alphabetical (#101, used to be #1)
It took alterations to many BBBBS macros to enable these changes, and
the after-call update of the filelists takes longer, but the increase
in display speed is well worth it, especially with a large filebase.
Version 8.5 1 Jul 1995
Expanded BBBBS.guide
WELCOME, GOODBYE, etc. may have ASCII and/or ANSI alternatives.
Added LZX to archive tester and contents checker.
"No QUICKOUT archiving if QUICKnnnn.lha already exists" was broken.
If a letter failed to open, junk might be displayed.
Some other cosmetic fixes.
Local download was broken.
Duplicate file handler corrupted the new file description.
Would send error to logfile if no selection in [M]essages.
Version 8.4 26 Jan 1995
bbsCallBack.baud - Call Back Verify module
bbsEditUser.rexx - set conferences & edit userfile module.
C:shellsort - very fast alpha sorting to speed up filelist updating.
(Thanks to Drazen Herendic of Croatia for this freeware beauty!-)
Added display of minutes-per-hour usage histogram to User menu.
Added "Friends List" routines to User menu.
Remembers "cut" text clips in file called "Scratch/edclip".
Now checks for messages from BBS like other modules.
The "Friends list" feature was broken in several places.
Upload time was not getting credited to the current session.
Could fail while editing the first 4 lines of a file description.
"Add" command was broken.
If all you did was delete files, the filelists were not updated.
Did not work correctly when used all by itself (fine as module).
Did not signal online user when local user sent her a new message.
Message "marking" was broken.
Version 8.3 30 Dec 1994 - Major rewrite trying to be more "modular"
Logs/QUICK.log keeps track of last 50 QUICK process starts and stops.
Logs/Numbers.dat holds yesterdays Numbers data to compare with todays.
More log and errorfiles, including Logs/QUICK.log & Logs/Numbers.log
line 40. Number of messages back to set new users. blank=don't reset.
SYSOPS NOTE! 8.0-8.2 set line 40 to 1. Edit to set to msgs back (10?)
line 43. toggle real name display on/off (default is ON)
bbsBrowse.rexx - file browser
bbsEd.rexx - text editor
bbsFriends.rexx - John Ruckart's email-alias routines
bbsIncrement.rexx - Increment numbers in AmigaDOS filecomment
bbsKillUser.rexx - remove users from system
bbsLog99.rexx - logs last 99 USER.log or QUICK.log events
bbsMan.rexx - BBBBS Manager (local mode only). A frontend for
bbsMail, bbsFile, bbsMsg, bbsNewUsers, etc.
bbsMsg.rexx - message conference read/reply/search
bbsNumbers.rexx - daily compares Numbers dir with yesterday
bbsOther.rexx - displays available info about other users
bbsProfiles.rexx - handle user profiles
bbsNewUsers.rexx - handle new user validation.
bbsPOST.baud - handle user info display window
bbsSortUsers.rexx - counts, sorts and makes "Lists/USERS"
bbsWrite.rexx - create(write) new message or email
bbsXferStats.baud - handles ul/dl statistics
Increment.rexx - keeps track of macro usage
Users killed & moved to Morgue can automatically resurrect themselves.
When moved to Morgue, an archive is now made including other user files.
bbsDoors.rexx and bbsMail.rexx rewritten to be general use modules.
bbsFile expanded to Browse, edit, move, and rename files.
User may select number of "messages back" to reset conference pointers.
Made it easier for sysops to change their own names.
Logs and counts added to QUICK processes.
Better "move file" routine (sysops only).
More temporary log & error files are kept in the "Scratch" directory.
Thanks again to Matt English for the following good ideas:
New User gets limited email acccess if she has mail waiting.
If upload contains "file_id.diz", it is used as long file desription.
Now deletes and rebuilds the individual library filelists too.
After watching lots of people try it, "d5432" will now dl file 5432.
Much faster individual file library searches of alphabetical list.
BBBBS.guide expanded and improved.
QUICK routines did not properly handle FileLists > 1,400,000 bytes.
If BBBBS msg waiting, uploader might get logged off before time credit.
BuildALPHA.rexx might make useless library dirs (DIRS.1, DIRS.2, etc).
bbsQUICKIN.rexx - Invalid message could increment mail/msg counter.
Version 8.2 21 Oct 1994
Suppress to-user messages while downloading (helps automated scripts)
Left out a quote. (thanks Teri-Odin for reporting this one)
Typos corrected.
Version 8.1 30 Sep 1994
Now uses its own LOG-ON/OFF macros, bbsLOGON.rexx and bbsLOGOFF.rexx
ArcAlpha.rexx & ArcBrowse.rexx
Both now use a Files.ALPHA.<temp> file to lessen chances of collision.
External sysop closure of edit-buffer had a problem with empty buffer.
The "A" command could show the library-info-text twice.
If sysop did not select "Update filelists now?", they might not.
Big filelists did not always split into the correct size archives.
COLLECT, "bad file description", and "Name change" got broken by 8.0
colorflag was ignored.
Version 8.0 13 Sep 1994 - MAJOR CHANGES TO FILE LIBRARIES!
General rewrite; faster, less mem usage, better collision control.
Added an alphabetical list for each library. MUCH faster display.
Excluded "rx" and "B000..." as legal filenames for uploads.
BBS_TEXT/SUBJ.<subj> for quick sysop email messages to users.
Order of QUICK questions made more efficient. (Thanks Teri_Odin!)
Assigned device names now appear in the Download stats. (ditto)
Library text automatically prepended to individual library lists.
Message conference "infotext" display made Non-Stop... ah... stop!-)
Version 7.5 20 Aug 1994 - unreleased -
Users who exceed their calls per day only have 1 chance for FEEDBACK.
"Read mail at login" disabled while QUICK archive is processing.
Make_BrowseList.baud can limit the number of complete libraries of full
descriptions that can be archived. Set MAX_LIBS_FULL to less than 99
CONFIG.BBS line 41 = minumum mins for re-logon after 50% maxtime call.
bbsDEMON.baud now tries sending several typical rexxDoor exit commands.
More additions to BBBBS.guide, including complete macro descriptions,
uses of the cliplist with the BBS, and a cross-referenced index.
Killed userfiles can now be copied to dir "Morgue", if it exists.
Non-blank clip BBS_RESET forces BBBBS to start over without reloading
BBBBS.baud. (Waits for the current user, if any, to finish.)
Automatically attach original mail when user replies to sysop email.
Removed "too high baudrate" test (modem technology tried to pass me!-)
Skip "least downloaded" part of filereport if size to report = -1
Version 7.4 17 Jul 1994
Eeek! Paging for alphalist display got broken in 7.3!
Version 7.3 14 Jul 1994
Reply privately to a public message. (For those NASTY replies.-)
Better birthday entry.
BBS_TEXT/NEW_USER_NAME textfile displayed before new user name entry.
Optional attached text for conferences and commands. See BBBBS.guide.
For users who choose no-color, most textfiles are stripped of ANSI.
Added "QUICK_" files to those that bbsMAINT.baud may purge.
CUSTOM MENUS! Do that fancy ANSI stuff. See BBBBS.guide for details.
Removed some redundant "[RETURN]=CONTINUE" messages.
More information added to BBBBS.guide (a never-ending process!-)
Users with hyphenated names got errors while using rexxDoors.
Moving a message to a brand new (empty) conference might fail.
Version 7.2 1 May 1994
BBBBS.guide cleaned up, more minor typos fixed.
Removed some un-needed "ClearScreen" commands.
Set default for set_all_messages to no_change, rather than last.
Updated libs/rexxarplib.library to version 3.3
User can KingFisher.rexx (if it exists) to search Fred Fish DB.
Now writes/appends report directly to sysop email ("BBBBS.0").
Added LhA -Z option to attempt to compress archives.
Changing user level from new_users report was broken if sysop had
written any email first (a likely event).
Upload-text routines were still broken.
Version 7.1 24 Mar 1994
bbsFile.rexx - FINALLY! A quick, low-mem-use way to upload locally.
BBBBS.guide - FINALLY! Expanded documentation in AmigaGuide format.
Added "BAUD." files to be seen at logon. BAUD.2400, BAUD.14400, etc.
Minor cosmetic changes.
Added ClearScreen flag "CLEAR" to go on line 8 of userfile.
Improved logic for reading first messages in a new conference.
Set BBBBS_DAYS_OLD to number of days before deletion of Email
and EmailFiles that are BBBBS_nnnn.lha archives. 0=don't delete.
ul:dl ratio was not used when validating from DEF.CBV or DEF.MEMBER.
Version 7.0 14 Feb 1994 (went to 7.0 because of new userfile format)
Set calls_per_day for individual user, as well as minutes per call.
(Userfile line 11 will be automatically updated to new format)
New_User logon questions made more specific.
Busywait now checks every 10 blinks for LOST CARRIER.
Added verify to new user entry of password.
Added "LEVEL." files to be seen at logon. ie, LEVEL.0-99 seen by all,
LEVEL.50-80 seen by level >= 50 <= 80, and LEVEL.0-0 only new users.
Cleanup the search-full-descriptions display.
"Enter starting message number" treats blank as "QUIT".
"Reply to message after reading replies" defaults to "Y".
Compatibility fixes for GVP 4008 SCSI controller.
It was possible to post a message to a non-existant conference.
John Ruckart found (and fixed!) several things. Thanks John!
Moving file to new lib might give bogus error from C:FileNote
Background archivers didn't signal local user when done.
No error if the archive tool (lha, arc, etc.) is missing.
Version 6.6 27 December 1993
Added "(Rcvd)" to public messages when received by addressee.
Option to read replies before answering a public message.
Try to slave BBBBS to TrapDoor. See BBBBS.guide for details.
Adjustments to work with BB 2.1c
Archiving of FileList is synchronous again. (Was sometimes a problem).
Split the "ATZH1" command into 2 parts for brain-dead modems.
Now forces user to press return to ack seeing BBBBS online message.
Replace SendFile.rexx with bbsMail.rexx (read/write with file attach).
Added modem settings by brand to BBBBS.guide (thanks to BBBBS sysops!).
Several improvements to new user info input.
More sound effect timing adjustment.
Changed $VER: string to EXACTLY conform to programming standards.
When moving a linked file to another library; move to BBS_LIBS/newdir,
rename on the link device, or leave the link as is.
Better handling of hyphenated names.
<dirname> or 'dir' <dirname> or 'cd' <dirname> will go down a level.
A blank return or '/' will go up a level.
'done' or 'q' (if there is no 'Q' dir) will exit the routine.
Cleanup recovery of busywait from CTRL-E aborts.
Better collision control between sound and speech.
Online validation would logoff if CBV-auto-logoff flag was set.
Bad characters would sometimes get in new user's name.
Online validation was not setting "newfilesdate".
Failure in just the right place could cause BBBBS to lockup.
Broken for browselists larger than 1.4 MEGS.
Upload requester did not check to see if the file exists.
Default upload "frompath" is now RAM: until changed.
Version 6.5 31 October 1993 Halloween (shoulda been version 6.66.-)
Better sound collision control when using large samples.
Busywait added to bbsLOCAL.rexx, and now displays progress percentage.
The online set-new-user-to-last-10-messages-per-conference got broken.
QUICKOUT files might be deleted by mistake if download failed.
Version 6.4 14 October 1993
Made more chars illegal for filenames including []+{}"()
BuildALPHA.rexx now reports any duplicate file numbers.
Changed the logic of bbsSounds.baud a little bit.
Rename now tries to rename any external linked file, too.
Email number to be deleted was wrong if email had been answered.
(The proper email got deleted, only the display was wrong).
Level report got slightly broken (if no new-users, no >0 requester)
No need to limit emailfile name length.
Unnecessary busywait while searching full descriptions.
Turning upload/download ratios OFF was broken.
bbsLOGOFF.baud was sometimes called twice.
Move file to new library by number broken by the new "Library Headers".
Download could become confused immediately after editing QUICK options.
Minutes are right but SECS were wrong.
Upload didn't handle sub-directories properly in source-file name.
If no devices available, the default message scrolled off too quickly.
Version 6.3 18 September 1993
Dimmer options (logoff): 0=OFF 1=ScreenToBack() 2=Screen OFF (shrink)
OR 8 RGB values to return to after dimming BB screen. see CONFIG.BBS
BETA! UUCP BETA! - uucp people see bbsLOGON.baud for possible uucp
handling. Pretty much totally untested, please let me know...
BuildALPHA fixes empty KeyWords from file description (if it exists).
Allowable CBV phone number "special" characters now include "-@ #*".
CBV flag in CONFIG.BBS can be 2, validate (like 1) but then logoff.
Menu commands allowed from last "RETURN=Continue" of [L]ist by Library.
Better "File library info" handling. Other minor cosmetic changes.
Information files can be downloaded by name from main menus(s).
Disallow whole numbers as filenames (just to be on the safe side.-)
Improved CBV routine should connect on callback for more modems.
Many minor display changes, just touching things up.
Disallow "Select All" when root directories are displayed.
More direct uploading.
Super-sysop can create directory caches, stored as textfiles, to
greatly improve initial access to extra large dirs.
Text display at start now an editable textfile, BBS_TEXT/EXT_INFO.
Remembers source directory of last file sent.
"Search ALL message conferences" might not search all conferences if
more than one message matching the search criteria was found.
BBBBS archive didn't show it's last included file (bbsQUICK6n.lha) when
browsing, (forgot to increment "Numbers/LastFile"... oops.-)
Kill file did not try to kill linked files. IT DOES NOW! Be warned!
Browse one file busywait (AND Browse one file by name) was broken.
Search full file descriptions got broken in 6.1 or 6.2.
Marked files waiting for download could foul up an emailfile download.
"Too many calls today" logoff did not display user city in USER.LOG.
Version 6.2 12 August 1993
bbsDoors.rexx - Matt English's "Jump.rexx" to use rexxDoors offline.
Had to change the name to prevent conflict with WSHell command.
All PD libraries now included in archive. Some folks couldn't find 'em.
Online validation now sends BBS_TEXT/EMAIL_WELCOME if it exists.
SendFile.rexx - sysops quickly send mailfiles offline. Thanks Matt!
File library "info" files. (Edit them from [B]rowse single library)
More "user friendly" reports of elapsed times.
rexxDoors can't be used with less than 2 minutes remaining.
Better CBV handling, better NEW_USER formatting, other minor stuff.
bbsULDL.rexx (STATS.ULDL) has a sysop editable directory_exclude_list.
Change user level while validating using the "=" command.
! REMOVED! doorDEMON.BAUD (did not work for all cases) and replaced with
individual NO CARRIER and EXCEEDED TIME checks. (see BBDoors62.lha)
MUCH faster checks for duplicate files (that wait before uploading).
Uploader MUST enter something in KeyWords.
Searches aborted with CTRL-E would still claim "all items...searched".
LevelReport new user validation did not do "set to latest" correctly.
Very sneaky bug that could let doorDemon.baud keep sending aborts,
which could cause hangups on new callers. My humble apologies.
Forgot to update LOCAL menus with FL. More cleaning up of bbsLOCAL.
Multiple QUICK files were skipped (after downloading the 1st one).
Close message buffer (SHIFT-F9) wasn't working properly.
Sysop still wasn't appearing in user log when asked.
Download by filenumber was broken in bbsLOCAL. When did THAT happen?
Also, Browse in bbsLOCAL got broken somehow, somewhen.
Version 6.1 25 July 1993 (released to BETA testers only!)
Close message editor buffer. SHIFT-F9 from BB.
New CONFIG.BBS flags.
36. busywait blinks curser during searches, etc.
37. Call Back Verification
38. Speak username at logon.
39. sysop appears in usage log (Usage/USER.LOG)
40. set newly validated user file/msg counters to latest.
bbsArcSTOP.rexx - Lists running archive processes and allows abort.
ToggleNoise.rexx - Turns sounds/voice ON/OFF - now SHIFT-F4 funcKey.
File descriptions archiver limits unarchived filesize to 1.4 MEG.
WARNING in Make_Browselist.baud. Time & Size for FULL descriptions.
All archiving routines made harder to start by accident.
Access count (like the Informations files) kept for rexxDoors.
Cancel a "select all" by doing an identical "select all".
Moved the CD_Exclude list into the Lists drawer (easier to edit).
Quitting the "FL" routine did not return to main menu.
Version 6.0 15 July 1993
Fast Email. See Information/BBBBS.Friends. (thanks John Ruckart)
Download from the [I]nformation area.
Additional call and minute counts kept for each baudrate.
Auto-validation using CBV (Call Back Verify). (thanks Juan Pertierro)
PhoneDupes.rexx - new user macro
Searches userfiles (from CLI/Shell) for duplicate phone numbers.
CONFIG.BBS flags: busywait, CBV, speak_logon_name, sysop_in_USER.LOG
bbsSounds.rexx & bbsSpeak.rexx - new editable BBBBS macros
More flexible control over speach and more BBBBS sounds.
Global "BBS NOISES" flag in clips. From CLI> rxset BBS_NOISES OFF
Made bbsSTATS.rexx a little faster.
"Busywait" indicator for searches, also allows easier CTRL-E aborts.
BBS title on menus (for the forgetful.-)
WorkBench user-info window re-formatted. (thanks Charles Johnston)
Prompt to request offline file from sysop. (thanks Matt English)
0 level user named "UNVALIDATED" in USER.LOG (thanks Dale Creekmur)
Search individual file library, full descriptions or alpha list.
Message search choice of "Search one conference only?" like libs.
Cleaned up some old routines and old code.
Marked messages report sent to the QUICKOUT routine.
Filelist archiver has a menu command (F) of it's own and is no longer
part of the [B]rowse command. Library selection completely rewritten.
MarkMsg could corrupt a user's QUICK exclude list.
Delete of QUICK archive might not delete attached email.
Position of WB user display window set in lines 34-35 of CONFIG.BBS
(feature available for some time, but not demonstrated in CONFIG.BBS)
Did not properly update multiple "msgs written" in userfile.
Did not sort new Files.ALPHA.
Did not add uploaded files to sysop's NEW_FILES list.
Did not call bbsNewFile.rexx
Version 5.9 11 June 1993 - "The Return Of The Bride Of BBBBS"
bbsLOGON.baud and bbsLOGOFF.baud. Run your own functions on each user.
QUICK settings editor (exclude unwanted files from the archive).
All use of BaudBandit "Beep" command removed. Now uses sound effects.
More stats added to various statistics reports.
Upload is forced to have file name under 17 chars (for alpha list).
ShowHourly.rexx & bbsSTATS.rexx made external for access by QUICKOUT.
TestArc.rexx tests uploads before adding them to the libraries.
bbsMAINT.baud completely rewritten to be faster and smoother
Added several more info files and checks against exclude list.
Run from CLI/Shell with no arguments defaults to sysop.
Handles return of "expired" conference messages by super-sysop.
Run from CLI/Shell with no arguments defaults to sysop.
Reply to Email occasionally offered to append non-existant original.
DOS wildcard characters were not being stripped from filenames.
Move to new library didn't handle moving to SAME library very well.
Wasn't properly crediting user with uploads, etc.
Reported wrong number for deleted files (deletion was correct).
Attaching a file to email was broken.
ANSI remover left the last "m" (mea culpa, no fault of Charles!-)
Version 5.8a 11 April 1993 - From Hong Kong
QUICK routine might show PROTOCOL instead of proper transfer protocol.
Read email from only one user did not recognise BBBBS as a user.
Archive is now tested before processing.
DOS error could cause process to abort.
An empty message conference could cause process to abort.
ANSI code remover improved. (Thanks to Charles Johnston & friends)
Version 5.8 24 March 1993 - From Hong Kong
Background archive selected External_Device files (bbsArcExt.rexx).
"QUICK" added to user option list. Allows user to skip all the logon
counts and messages, and offers an option to archive all new msgs,
new mail, and new file descriptions (uses bbsQUICKOUT.rexx); and
then LOGOFF. On the next call, the archive is offered for download
right after logon. This feature added for long distance callers.
A stand-alone mail/message reader/answer module. Will unpack and
read the "QUICK out" archive, and allow user to write replies to
email and messages, and pack them in a "QUICK in" archive which can
then be uploaded back to the BBS (which then uses bbsQUICKIN.rexx
to unpack and deal with it's contents). See the bbsQUICK.DOC for
more information about the QUICK reader.
Commands to repeat a single message [A]gain added to email reader.
"10 Second Last Chance" given just before auto-logoff after download.
Workbench User Display can now be set using CONFIG.BBS
The normal WELCOME file is no longer surpressed by a custom WELCOME.
The local Date and Time shown at logon.
Better stripping of non-displayable characters from KeyWords field.
If more than 3 email to read, user can limit to email from one user.
File selection from External Devices may now be archived, since the
latest Fred Fish CD is not already archived. Also, an entire dir
(and all sub-dirs) may be selected using the "Select All" command.
Check_Only_One_User_For_Email was unfinished.
Thanks to John Ruckart for the fix.
Some modems seem to require an additional "ATH" to reset properly.
Auto-Validate in the CONFIG.BBS gave one less than intended level.
Error checking for lineperpage value now in the SetData routine.
Quitting in the middle of reading email could delete the last read.
Rename did not check the full files list for duplicate names.
Version 5.7 1 November 1992 - Pre Hong Kong Final
Background archiving of the one-line-per-file alphabetical list.
Archive msgs/files now leaves partial file if archiving interupted.
User can ask to edit his EMail to an individual user.
Miner updates to the .DOC file.
Better recovery from aborted rexxDoors.
Copyright message wouldn't show under some conditions.
No simple way to abort the sysop email review. ('Q' does it now)
Entering user birthday was not as "optional" as it should have been.
Version 5.6 14 September 1992
BBBBS writes time it was first started to the log file.
Logon is better at getting baudrate from displayed CONNECT speed.
Check for sysop commands (like force-chat) at logoff.
Better error checking in bbsREPORT.rexx and BuildALPHA.rexx
Updated BBS_HELP files.
LevelReport: Welcome email offered even if user has been validated.
Limit what characters are allowed in Polling_Place.rexx poll title.
Sysop DOS shell was broken for commands with more than one argument.
FILELISTS.REPORT broken if no files older than MIN_DAYS (def=30).
Version 5.5 8 August 1992
This time sysop-approved uploads are fixed everywhere. Honest! :-(
Version 5.4 4 August 1992
Loading the alpha list is more robust in handling a corrupt list.
A fix in 5.3 managed to break sysop-approved uploads. [sigh]
Version 5.3 31 July 1992
USER.LOG defaults to ignore sysop calls.
Speeded up bbsULDL.rexx (makes STATS.ULDL).
Message conference setup no longer waits for first user.
Cosmetic changes here and there.
Extra rexxDoors removed from BBBBSnn.lha & archived as separate file.
Check for new Polling_Place.rexx activity and inform user on login.
Added 2 more lines to CONFIG.BBS; archive extension and choice of
archiver. (It seems IBMs don't have a tool to de-arc .lha files.-)
If line 32 doesn't start with a period (ie, .lha), the system
will default to using ".lzh" and "lharc -m m". Note that your
archiver should use the "move" command to avoid left-over files.
If user hungup while playing a rexxDoor, and the timing was right,
(and luck was bad), the BBS might not reset properly. Better now.
This mechanism is still not perfect (and probably never will be).
Remote ULs by sysop could be mistakenly moved to Sysops library.
More than 60 (or so) message conferences would scroll off screen.
New users were seeing new Profiles and Voting Booth activity.
Wordwrap could hang under certain conditions with very long words.
Removed some redundancy from the sysop-approved-uploads routines.
Lists might be incomplete if files were deleted AND other files
were added in the SAME session.
"Delete this poll" was broken.
Did not handle selection from multiple floppies in one run.
Version 5.2 6 July 1992
Added "drop dtr" for modems that won't reset properly without it.
If a description and it's name are different, the note is revised.
Answer.baud needed longer Timeout delay for 14400 baud modems.
Files list might be incorrect using "sysop approved uploads" option.
(crept into 5.1 while trying to speed things up) [sigh]
Version 5.1 1 July 1992
Go busy while LOCAL is sorting and saving filelists.
Sound cues reworked to match BB new version 2.0
Simplified the user profile menu.
Kermit added to protocols if BaudBandit version 2.0. [disabled]
Level report treats levels less than 10 as new users.
Online message function now appends instead of replacing.
ArcBrowse.rexx and ArcMsgs.rexx now use lha instead of lharc.
! SYSOPS! Please rename FileList.lzh to FileList.lha !
BBBBS.guide updated
Instructions for starting from the startup-sequence worked for
1.3, but failed under 2.04. Changed to call Fkey, works on both.
Contents of the various directories changed.
Minor additions to rexxDoors instructions, etc.
Some files in the rexx drawer contents were miss-named.
Added "Most Calls" and "Average Minutes Per Call" stats.
If COLLECTing, ask sysop for permission to clear file comments.
Better handling of OS differences using all archive listers.
Smarter timing for loading of LOCAL filelist changes by BBBBS.baud.
A blank message subject would sometimes be impossible to reply to.
Two ATZ in a row were being sent at logoff, confusing some modems.
If Scratch set to RAM:, message/email text upload might fail.
Rename a file was broken if it had just been moved to a new library.
Renaming a file could also break it's "link" in the comment field.
Email to new user was broken if user had just been renamed.
link files were counted twice in the "actual files" stat.
"[Return] to continue" covered last alphabetical file displayed.
Version 5.0 6 April 1992
Editing a file description that has no file (using the "%" command),
now allows entering a linkfile. This means you can move a file,
then edit it's description and enter the new path ("link") to it.
Better display of list of users with profiles.
BuildALPHA confirms filesize and rewrites description if necessary.
New Profiles listed with New Information files.
Password security for LOCAL logon.
Hourly stats were not quite correct for the first few days.
View an individual profile was broken.
Search profiles was partly broken.
Version 4.9 30 March 1992 (beta testers only)
Freeform User Profile section. Introduced by BBS_TEXT/PROFILES
Estimate of search time adjusted for cpu speed.
New User Only option in level report. (NEW_USERS file in Lists)
Undeleted Email marked with receive time/datestamp.
Increased wait time for CONNECT to 45 seconds for slow modems.
User file and message archives not copied to sysops email.
Upload text from the editor menu, not just the email menu.
Adjustments to remain compatible with the next BaudBandit upgrade.
Newfiles display can be limited to new files in a selected library.
bbsLOCAL "+" displays like BBBBS.baud so you can see what users see,
(but downloading locally from Extra Devices is still disabled).
LhA vers 1.20 now handles CONTENTS for .lha .lzh and .run files.
Email defaults to "Attach original" on replies.
Files.BAK & Files.ALPHA.BAK now redundant thanks to BuildALPHA.rexx
(sysops! You may delete these files from the "Lists" directory)
Your_Fortune.rexx from rexxDoors (I needed to clear some space).
Files/bytes user credit got broken for users with none or one file.
bbsLOCAL (I finally have enough RAM to run both all the time!)
Wheel_Of_Fortune.rexx needed help to run with LOCAL.
bbsLOCAL might miss messages posted by BBBBS.baud.
Shared Scratch files left a small hole that could cause problems.
Better cooperation in general with BBBBS.baud.
Tilde char ( ~ ) mistakenly filtered from BBBBS (not LOCAL) messages.
Version 4.8 1 March 1992
"BYE" or "OFF" from main menu(s) logs off with no questions.
bbsNewFile.rexx called after each upload (set dev-name for auto backup).
Default "Welcome" email from level report. BBS_TEXT/EMAIL_WELCOME
Option to quit for new user before starting registration.
Background archiving programs still used old "FILE:" position.
bbsLOCAL didn't set sysop's CITY and the main menu needed work, and
rejected mailname fix didn't make it to LOCAL, and so on ...
Message from BBBBS could appear in text being edited by user.
Renaming with a shorter name sometimes left junk in the alphalist.
Version 4.7 14 February 1992 (AmiExpo in Long Beach Valentine version)
Marked messages not reset by MsgArchive routine until logoff.
Message "leave email to sysop for access" given for files that
have a file description, but are not currently online.
Extra devices now accepts directories as well as devices.
Better reporting of attempt to logon with bad password.
Rejected email name might be used to address a public message.
Hangup sometimes sent to modems taking too long to establish DCD.
FileComment was being killed when download count was incremented,
breaking "link" mechanism for handling files on other devices.
Extra devs files/bytes report couldn't handle extra "." in device.
Search of long file descriptions wouldn't abort if color turned off.
Version 4.6 1 February 1992
"Skip this user" added to options in the level report.
4.5 broke a menu routine.
Display of ALPHA list did not respect excluded libraries.
Version 4.5 31 January 1992
LOCAL would not recycle properly.
Some modems were slow to establish dcd which caused a reset & hangup.
Moving a file while browsing 1 lib would change the current library.
Version 4.4 28 January 1992
Download from Extra Devices (CD0:, CD1:, VD0:, HD2:, DF3:, etc.)
Since there are no filenotes for these devices, no file by file
stats are maintained, but total files/bytes per device are kept.
Devs are treated as Read-Only. The menu command is a plus-sign [+]
Average Minutes/Hour statistics. The menu command is a comma [,]
CLI rexx program reports old email & emailfiles. OldEmail.rexx
Library files can be located on another device than BBS_LIBS.
The full filepath is put in the file description's filecomment.
BuildALPHA.rexx now takes an optional argument "COLLECT". This will
search for files without file descriptions and construct descriptions
for them. If the file has a filenote (comment), it will be used for
the "KeyWords:" field, and in the body of the description if the
comment exceeds 31 characters.
City location for both To: and From: in Email.
LOCAL can be made resident (recycles back to logon).
LOCAL and BBBBS are aware of each other's file and user updates.
The /END command to exit the editor now accepts just /E or /S
New users select ANSI preferences (COLOR in line 8 of user data).
Better handling of failed connects and disconnects.
BumpMember.baud and Twit.baud made obsolete by inline F-key macros.
FileReport can be limited to files larger than a given amount.
Under certain (not often) circumstances, the courtesy list failed.
False "transfer failed" messages on long filenames.
Sometimes the TERSE flag led to GRAND total messages being unset.
Some spelling corrections. [blush]
Some transfer protocols not remembered properly session to session.
Filenote download count was not incremented if dl went overtime.
Version 4.3a 1 January 1992
Searches display the whole message containing the search-phrase,
not just it's message number and conference.
Independent count of total upload and download bytes and files,
as well as all users, current or not. In the "Numbers" dir.
(if your BBBBS is already up, edit these to match STATS.USER)
BBS_TEXT/UNTIL.YYYYMMDD after Welcome message until YYYYMMDD. ie,
UNTIL.19920704 will display thru 4 Jul 92, and is then deleted.
Hourly Usage added to [Z] stats display.
More speed improvements when locating the next file to download.
Option to quit reading Email.
Single file marked download got broken by 4.1, missed in 4.2
"Put back" option for deleted messages (new for 4.2) was broken.
Total messages online (grand) got fouled up after bbsMAINT.
Version 4.2 18 December 1991
Messages "deleted" by bbsMAINT.rexx are now handled one at a time,
with a "put back in the conference?" option.
ALPHA search highlights the search argument in the fileline.
Improved BBBBSdemon.baud. More stats in the FILELISTS_REPORT.
Updated "Show Function Key HELP" window (F10) to cover Shifted Keys.
Message conference maintenence not run until 5am.
Speeded up the time spent locating the next file to download.
BBBBS.guide, bbsLOCAL.rexx, and S:Bandit.Keys needed to be updated.
bbsLOCAL.rexx's rexxDoors routine was broken.
Message reader needed maximum limit.
First message in a conference didn't write "LastMessage#" number.
Version 4.1 8 December 1991
Opportunity to change subject when replying to public messages.
Background archiving of NEW file descriptions.
Startup check made to see if the ALPHA list needs to be remade.
CONFIG.BBS line 31 controls how many calls per day per user.
[Y]our userdata; Turn ALL conferences On, Off, or make Current.
Baudrate added to the one-line user activity log.
Show single library in alpha or date order.
BBBBSdemon.baud, an optional background process to fix "freezes".
More multiple commands added. You can "d file1.lzh file2.lzh".
"S F gif" now works as expected (Searches Files for "GIF").
Full file description now searches from newest to oldest.
Description of all options while editing line 8 in [Y]our data.
Better online editor help. A little better memory management.
! Changed the way [C]ontents works. Shows .lha contents using LZ.
FileReport greatly enhanced in bbsREPORT.rexx.
Archiving a single message conference might fail due to timing.
Hangup while entering message could cause buffer to stay open, so
that the next user entering a msg would get garbarge mixed in.
MENUS option sometimes didn't "take" at logon.
bbsMAINT.rexx didn't understand July... (JUl should have been JUL)
Reading ALL in individual conference sometimes lost last message.
Adding new user after renaming in level report wasn't quite right.
Auto-validate didn't raise new users's level (now configurable).
Version 4.0 1 November 1991
More new user info listed in level report. Plus 'write email' option.
Several additions and improvements to the rexxDoors area.
Help list for the online editor.
Background archiving of new conference messages, or by conference.
Better page handling while editing textfiles.
Birthday entry less confusing and more accurate. No more 700 year olds!
Email counted off-line (if possible) so 'Z' command is usually faster.
Messages deleted by bbsMAINT are first copied to sysop's email drawer.
Faster message conference reading, more accurate message counts.
BBS constructed file/msg archive email now marked as from "BBBBS".
Kill user routine now a loop. Userlist only rewritten after last kill.
We now insist that the user select a library for his upload.
Too large a browse number would slow down the browse parser.
Better security on filelist displays.
"Total public messages online" was not incrementing properly.
Tried to add .lha to [C]ontents command, but LZ sometimes hangs the
whole system when redirected, so took it out again [SIGH].
Version 3.9 3 October 1991 (the "AmiExpo in Oakland" version)
Timestamp to "Last on" date display at logon.
KeyWords editor for file descriptions (uploader or sysop only).
BBS_version displayed with copyright and sent to clip for reference.
Search individual messages conferences.
Changed [V]iew to [R]ead in the [B]rowse menu. Better Browse help.
Moved STATS reports back another hour to 3am and 4am.
BuildALPHA.rexx now first builds the main "Files" from all filenotes.
Speeded up the filelist update after an upload.
Better questioning of user about attempted email to unknown user(s).
Include both Email and full name in other-users report.
Input maximum and minimum levels in level report.
Memory check when background archiving is running multiple times.
Logoff shows busy signal while updating filelists and userlists.
Long filesearch needed one more lineup to clear filename when found.
Rename didn't pick up the new name in the sysop levelreport ("=").
Email to names on the Courtesy list was broken.
File transfer routines credited bytes to user too soon.
Replies to conference messages sometimes picked up the wrong subject.
Rename failed to clear a clip after it was through with it.
Version 3.8 29 August 1991
bbsREPORT.rexx sends inactive user & file reports to sysop email.
Colorflag sent to rexxDoors as 4th argument. (ANSI on=1/off=0)
"percent of use" added to display of monthly hours and minutes.
If last message read was 0, user gets asked for starting number.
Allow email to non-users who are on the Courtesy list.
bbsLOCAL.rexx display of alpha list needed improvement.
Check for user hangup responds a little faster.
level report (sysop only) was losing it's place sometimes.
Read All Non-stop no longer aborts at start of each conference.
Message conferences not readable immediately after online validation.
Rename did not properly update the alpha list.
Email [F]rom did not show deleted email as killed.
Version 3.7 25 July 1991 (the "AmiExpo in Orlando" version)
BBS_TEXT/BIRTHDAY or generic greeting on birthday.
TERSE flag in user file, line 8.
Files searches now in alphabetic order.
Speeded up message/mail sorts.
bbsMAINT.baud sometimes triggered too soon by conferences turned OFF.
Version 3.6 16 July 1991 (released only to beta testers)
Custom BrowseList archives implemented as a Browse subitem.
"Space available for uploads" now subtracts sysop defined limit.
Newest files found sooner than oldest (speeds up dl search).
Show linecount for information files. Tightened up search security.
Check for and then open BBBBS port so no accidental duplicates.
STAT programs now run with a lower priority for fewer slowdowns.
"a 14" now works. Same display as selecting library 14 from "L".
Adjustments for Hi-speed modems. Turn Auto-Baud OFF. BaudRate=38400
Removed pauses in search for zero level users.
Version 3.5 9 July 1991 (released only to beta testers)
Added "most minutes online" to bbsUSER stats.
"Space available for uploads" now subtracts sysop defined limit.
The "busy with maintenance" message wasn't seen under BBBBS.baud
BuildALPHA.rexx wasn't finding the library path.
bbsUSER.rexx didn't like "1 file 0 bytes..." in user upload slot.
Running out of time while writing email/msgs killed email/message.
"Rename_File" appended rather than replaced the file description.
Version 3.4 4 July 1991
Show time Remaining after each rexxDoor program & Information file.
bbsUSER.rexx counts up user stats. Works like STATS.ULDL.
Total files, total messages, displayed at logoff.
ChangeUserName command added to the sysops menu.
New rexxDoor: StarTrek.rexx (not entirely done, but still fun!)
Option to archive the alphabetical list into the "Text" drawer.
(see the notes in bbsALPHA.baud for the method)
The "loading alphabetical" routine makes user wait less often.
Time spent in Chat mode no longer shortens session time.
Added bell at end of uploads and downloads.
Lots of "tuning-up" of various routines for speed and beauty.
Show carbon copy list (if any) above "Email-Write" menu line.
STATS programs run after 2am instead of midnite.
Upload space display changed from kbytes to bytes.
Made the check for dcd longer to stop some premature disconnects.
Added to the information that the "Z" command displays.
BuildALPHA.rexx made smarter. No need to run the BBS first.
rexxDoors/One_Armed_Bandit.rexx had CASH and SECONDS reversed.
Entering an unknown user name in email caused incorrect prompt.
Sending carbon copies of email with a file attached was broken.
Number of unread messages was wrong if messages had been deleted.
Email copy command was limited to one carbon per letter.
Version 3.3 9 June 1991
Simple, one-line, user activity log. Last 99 calls are listed.
"Maintanance" feature to Answer.baud (if clip BBS_maint is
not empty, don't start BBS, give "sorry" message and hangup).
Byte count at start of reading an Information file.
David Plumber's Today program at logon, (if TODAY: exists).
First Logon Date added to 'Z' display. Previous sysops must edit!
Z command now shows usage for all months that exist in USAGE.
Show Chat Request on the WorkBench. (chat or new user clears flag).
Automate generation of STATS.ULDL once a day.
Individual library lists. Alpha or by date (A or N).
Activated bbsMAINT.baud to delete old messages at logoff.
Only occurs if the SYSTEM_MSG_LIMIT (in CONFIG.BBS) is exceeded.
MatchMaker.rexx added to rexxDoors. Data in "rexxDoors/Data/users".
Rename file option in the [B]rowse menu under move to new [L]ibrary.
Show time remaining after each download.
If [N]ew files function is used, NewFilesDate is reset at logoff.
Set 2 minute timeout while Capture buffer is open (message entry).
Changed logon order so email comes before file/message check.
Sanity check on existance of the logon toys (Today, grin, etc.)
Close and reopen log for every line (so we get partials if crash).
[V]iew .TXT file (from Browse menu) now increments download count.
Emailfile up/download failure now gives user another chance.
Changed default "list from libraries" to normal alphabetical filelist.
Increased allowable error in uploads to 1024 to account for padding.
Faster number sorting. (Email, messages, etc.)
Returned to more verbose listing of unread messages at logon.
Faster file listings, both alphabetically and by date.
View textfile from main menu (it's in the Browse menu).
Sysop email report did not respond to CTRL-E.
Message "do not delete" mark was broken.
Read Marked occasionally did not return directly to menu.
Should be log entry when a file is killed.
Courtesy list was being appended by mistake.
Moving a file to a new library did not reset browse to current library.
Kill user mistakenly aborted the levelreport.
[C]ontents of corrupt archive would cause "undiagnosed internal error".
Trying to read deleted Marked Msgs didn't mark the message as read.
Check to see if bbsALPHA was complete was in the wrong place.
Version 3.2 23 Apr 1991
bbsULDL.rexx writes upload/download statistics to Information/ULDL.STATS
Allow startup with no user online. (SHIFT-F1)
"Unload" resident from BB screen. (SHIFT-F2)
"Was upload successful?" now INSISTS on Y or N answer.
Files.ALPHA updated if filenote is edited.
Do the User list rebuild AFTER logout (so new users don't wait!)
Message "- Press backslash [\] to exit -" added to chat prompt.
Exclude supersysop mail from the sysop's email report.
Added memory check before going resident. (set minimum in CONFIG.BBS)
Write rexxDoors activity to log.
bbsLOCAL was not fully updated from 3.0 with new features.
rexxDoors/Hollywood Squares needed one more "CALL".
pre-upload search for duplicates should not have been case sensitive.
Browse_current_library_only was broken.
Forward email was damaged, fixed, and damaged and fixed again!
Version 3.1 14 Apr 91
Move message to another conference (sysop only).
New rexxDoors game, Hollywood_Squares.
"Skip threads" skipped only the current message and its replies,
now skips all messages in current conference with this Subject.
Monthly usage is now managed within BBBBS.baud for MUCH faster
logoffs, especially at the end of the month (BBBBS 2.0/3.0 users
please see "Updating.doc" for info on how to change formats).
bbsUSAGE.baud replaced internally (see above).
User hangup VERY early in the resident logon caused log failure.
Move file to different Library failed to delete old filenote.
bbsLOCAL information and library list display overflowed CLI window.
A blank Subject in Email would cause syntax error when Replying.
FKey HELP window one character too large to open under AmigaDOS 1.3.
Version 3.0 3 Apr 91
If in 'resident' mode, the log file wasn't properly handled.
Forwarding mail to a blank name left a junk file.
Version 2.9 29 Mar 91 (released to Seminar attendees)
[A]lphabetized FileList. bbsALPHA.rexx must be in rexx:
[V]iew in Browse menu for .txt files.
More sound cues at the host to indicate to the sysop when login,
logoff, disconnect, and new user.
doorDemon.baud to watchdog hangups and time hogs.
ANY interactive CLI type program can be hooked through rexxDoors.
baud rate to "logged in at" log entry.
Switch in CONFIG.BBS to move email to sysop's area before deleting.
Read Marked Messages. Mark files for batch download.
If no new files, [N]ew shows filelist by date.
Information file statistics
Flag in CONFIG.BBS to make BBBBS resident instead of re-loading each
time. WARNING! Do not use bbsLOCAL.rexx to alter the file libraries
while BBBBS is resident! This will corrupt the filelists.
Other user info display, and options.
Upload error checking and reporting.
[C]ontents command in Browse made a little smarter.
bbsSYSOP.rexx renamed bbsLOCAL.rexx (more appropriate)
Improved rejection of non-alphabetic characters (line-noise)
Now clear the input buffer after menu display, just before prompt.
Editor shortcut: Number entered alone assumes the command is Replace.
Email sorted by date, oldest first.
File searches (choice of Full or Quick)
New files display is much expanded and speeded up.
Who_is_here command is now an option in [O]ther_users.
Chat item from menu. Redundant (F1 does it).
The period (.) character from user names.
Auto-validate didn't sort libs or reshow menu.
Turning colors off didn't remove all control codes.
Show only level zero members didn't display names.
Sysop upload review wasn't working correctly.
Version 2.0 3 Mar 91
First public release.
Version 0.1-1.9 Oct 90 thru Feb 91
Beta versions (unreleased)
*********************** BBBBS REVISION HISTORY ************************